Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Test

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Lama Jamyang Lodro is one of those rare Dharma teachers that deeply developed their own practice before starting to teach. He teaches according to the needs of each individual and provides support for spiritual development and healing of the mind and body. Lama Jamyang was born in Tibet. He studied in Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, his whole life is devoted to practice and helping others. Five Wisdoms Temple was opened in June 2016. It was established as a place to learn and practice Dharma, Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism in particular, and Tibetan Yoga. The notion of Five Wisdoms comes from Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings. Five Wisdoms refers to five different types of knowledge. These five can be of two kinds, one is the inner wisdom, which means Buddhists teachings, and another is outer teachings, which is regular worldly knowledge and common teachings for all people. These are – art, languages, logic, medicine and science. This temple was named Five Wisdoms for two reasons; the first reason is that lama Jamyang studied in Five Wisdoms (Wuming) Buddhist Academy in Seda in Tibet, and second - is that that through these wisdoms you can do Dharma practice and attain the final result.
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