Thank you Dhammarato and Friends.


Thank you Dhammarato and Friends.

Finding True Friendship through the Generosity of Dhammarato and friends has been a repeated experience of joy and a rememberance of what Metta and True Generosity feels like in the Heart.

It is worth waking up in spite of the big mess we see when we do.

The practice here has changed more in the last year than in the previous 9. Not only experiencing for the first time in nearly half a century of life, a practice which can be based in taking an honest look at what’s happening right now, arriving at non-reactivity at the senses, then making a change. Not only has Ardency in personal practice and Devotion has intensified, but the entire experience of Life and Reality is normalized to joy as default. I don’t mean that to sound stuffy and intellectualized. What’s true is that everything has softened and the fictional sense of intractability has vanished, such that even family members and friends are more receptive to listening and working harder to love and contribute. Maybe getting off my own butt in some ways (I used to think weren’t possible for me) has helped, but it is seen to be profound how taking up the attitude of a lion (even on mornings where we feel more like a kitten) helps those around us.

Every time I have come to a member of Dhammarato’s Sangha, with a question about the Dhamma, I am Satisfied and calmed by the words of these skillful practitioners. It is amazing how skillful the facilitation can be, in many cases coming from those who have practiced a relatively short amount of time. If Doubt arises, someone is available to talk briefly, or sometimes for a while, until we return to remembrance and appreciation – of this very breath. The only thing needed to recall the refreshment waiting for us when we live with the 4 Noble Truths and the Buddha’s 8-fold Path as a guide to our Intentions, Speech, and Actions.

I am only just beginning on my Journey to appreciate and contribute to a Sangha and teacher who has made such a difference that leads directly to happiness.

What I was seeking when I joined OSF was a place where I could meet friends who would not only serve as comfort and calmraderie along the way, but also hold me accountable for nonsense in my thinking and speech. This is something I never had from friends outside the Dhamma. It helps.

Thank you.

D.J. Over at Dischord has especially been patient, as it literally took me two years to understand how to log on and know what was going on, and regardless of my foibles and social network naivate, he was always patient and unwavering in representing the nurturing side of Dhammarato’s style/message while retaining a strong practice anchored in Samma Ditti (Right View) and Anapanasati (Mindfulness of breathing).

Buddham Saranam Ghachami   (I go to The Buddha for Refuge)

Dhammam Saranam Ghachami  (I go to The Dhamma for Refuge)

Sangham Saranam Ghachami  (I go to The Sangha for Reguge)

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambudassa!  (Honor to him the Beloved Teacher, the Arahant, The fully Enlightened Buddha)


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