Happiness & Suffering
January 9, 2025 2025-02-10 6:12Happiness & Suffering
Happiness & Suffering
Theta Pati
“Ask yourself…
‘What exactly does my HAPPINESS depend on?’
Normally, people will allow their happiness to depend on a whole lot of conditions.
And the more you think about those conditions, the more you realize that they’re totally beyond your control: the economy, the climate, the political situation, the continued beating of certain hearts, the stability of the ground beneath your feet, all of which are very uncertain.
So what do you do?
You learn to look inside.
Try to create a sense of wellbeing that can come simply with being with the breath.
Even though this isn’t the total cure, it’s the path toward the cure.”
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu
“Fears” Meditations1
Good question, let me evaluate it too and share it with others…
Having discerned any wordly happiness as changing with delusion and depending on conditions based on ignorance…
How can I cling to it ?
How can i crave for it ?
How can i consider it real ?
Happiness is not different from suffering, both give results involving the 6 senses and they can be both perceived as pleasing or unpleasing, it only depends on the individual view or habit and on the clinging to it as a craving.
However, worldly suffering is felt as real by most and it affects many in different ways, unless the mind is duly trained with aware mindfulness and discernment based on right evaluation.
Then, most do not know how to train or are not in the conditions to understand and suffering becomes the main problem in their life.
Understanding the nature of suffering, it also means to see its root, that is ignorance, and how it affects us and others around us.
Once the root is understood, then Metta and Karuna become the eyes looking at the living beings in the world, resulting in the uprooting of greed and hatred too.
And when the wisdom born from mindful evaluation increases, then discernment takes to see the real happiness, totally void of conceit and craving, i.e. Mudita…
Mudita has different intensity or levels :
the 1st is to see others happy or not suffering;
the 2nd is to see that others ask questions about suffering or about the spiritual path for the sake of understanding;
the 3rd is to know about anyone putting effort in the training of taming their mind;
the 4th and higher is when others get any better understanding of the Dhamma or, even better, when attaining any spiritual goal on the Noble Path.
Mudita does not depend on conditions,
it is not a craving,
there is nothing to cling to,
it is void of self and conceit,
its nature never changes,
it is simply the pure eternal happiness that everyone should look for,
because it is outside of kamma and of becoming.
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