The Knower

Dhamma Lesson

The Knower

Theta Pati



At start the ‘knower’ may be identified with some kind of entity or someone going through the process of knowing.

But who is this someone ?
This someone is the mind.

Is the mind ours ?
Yes or, better, we think so, because having a perception of it based on individuality, separation, difference and duality.

But when the truth is seen through wisdom, then the mind becomes one with everything and any link to a self disappears, it cannot be identified with me, I or mine.

How can a mind, that is everything, be identified with anything like a self ?

That is not possible, so, when understanding the not-self or the mind, then the self or the mind disappears, in the same way like understanding the knower as not self, not us, not ours, then, the knower disappears.

In order to know anything, one needs to examine it through right evaluation and the best or deeper way is surely through both samadhi-bhavana and sampajanna, both allowing to experience directly and to discern rightly between what is real or it is illusion, between what changes & finishes or it is eternal, between what seen as limitied or it is limitless, between what seen as self, linked to causes and conditions, or what it is the real self, that exists without them, but that it is totally hidden & imprisoned by them.

The knower is neither a being nor an entity and it is not linked to any self.

The knower is the result of a cause, i.e. understanding both what real suffering is and the escape from it.

The knower rises through a wisdom based on virtue, that cleans the heart from the evil done in countless previous lives and sets us free from their endless consequences, allowing each of us to end any suffering forever, because trascending changement or impermanence.

Wisdom, made as the cause, defeats ignorance, the true enemy, as the result.

Why a cause is needed?

Because, still being in samsara, we still need to use cause & result, but, when using them in the only right way, that is understanding the Dhamma of the Buddhas, then, any cause can be trascended and ended.

For example, one makes a mistake based on ignorance, thinking that he made the mistake, assuming that ignorance is inside him, identifying himself as the cause.

But ignorance, like wisdom or suffering or happiness or anything else, it is not something that one owns, it is outside each of us, in fact, it is because outside of us, that anyone can make it increase or decrease at will.

The knower looks at things and uses the right evaluation process to see their true nature.

We all start from the same point, that is the illusion to be someone or a self or a knower or a cause, but the more wisdom increases and the more comes the understanding of our own timeless and limitless nature.

In other words, when understanding to be everything, how can anyone be classified as a self or as someone or as an entity or as a knower or as a cause?

When the not-self is understood as everything, then the knower disappears and wisdom takes his place.

This means that, when the knower understands the truth, then, that truth made of wisdom trascends the knower and the knower becomes just the all-inclusive wisdom or the pure truth.

In the same way with each element, for example pure universal Metta trascends any love linked to an entity or a self, in the same way Karuna with compassion, in the same way going through past lives with self-consciousness and so on.

The knower is pure wisdom, not linked to me or to you or to a self or to a consciousness, because wisdom it is not a learning process like the one of the world, that we may forget because linked to an entity or to a being or to a self.

Once wisdom increases, it cannot be forgotten, it cannot dicrease and its result is always an increased wellness, that may be called unshakable neverending happiness, born from overcoming or trascending the suffering based on ignorance and duality.

This is what & how i see & have understood the ‘knower’ and what i think useful to share, based on the little i got to know. 😅



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  1. Ivan Tan

    Beautiful friend

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