The Supreme Teacher
February 10, 2025 2025-02-10 6:10The Supreme Teacher
Theta Pati
The Supreme Teacher is our own EVALUATION, described & explained by the Buddha & His Sangha.
The Teaching can be found in the Suttas and its basis is made by peace of mind coming from Mindfulness, that allows right Evaluation.
Right Evaluation means that Discernment grows and Wisdom increases.
Knowing how things really are takes to more Mindfulness and deeper Concentration, that, together, take to better Discernment.
As anyone can see, the Effort in the practice is personal, a Teacher only points the way, explains how to walk that way, how to overcome obstacles found on it and what its result is.
From our side we must be keen to learn and eager to understand what needs to be done for increasing the level of our knowledge, because Wisdom defeats Ignorance and sets us free.
Thoughts create moods and mental fermentations leading to craving and to clinging or attachment.
Thoughts have Intention as their origin and happiness as their Cause, that is why one needs Evaluation, because it allows to examine each thought and to understand if right or its truth.
What truth?
As Intention, if the thought is useful for our progress on the Noble Path.
As Cause, if the thought leads to a temporary happiness or to the supreme unshaking happiness of the Heart.
This is the main distinction to personally always evaluate and then understand about each thought, because this distinction makes us abandon unuseful or harmful thoughts linked to the world and makes us see, choose & stick only to thoughts based on useful Intentions & Causes (taking to positive results), that need to be found and developed.
One can learn from the Suttas like from a Teacher, however, one also has to look for their right explanation from different Monks.
But in order to understand what?
In order to understand at what step one is, what needs to be done and how to do it in order to progress smoothly and rightly, without jumping too high or too low, when not yet ready.
In other words, we are the Teachers of ourselves, there is no other Teacher.
However, we need to know what & how to evaluate and to know as beneficial and what & how to avoid or uproot as not beneficial, for our own progress on the Spiritual Path.
That is what Teacher means, that we look for and find specific explanations from others practicing the same path, letting us clearly understand what we have to do and how.
So, the Teachers can be found mainly in Suttas or in Monks, because they teach and show us how to become Teachers of ourselves in different ways, our task is to find & learn from them the more suitable way for us and for our own nature to overcome any difficulty through right discerning evaluation and through the wisdom coming from it.
My suggestion is to concentrate all efforts in mindfulness and in keeping the mind in peace from any thought, this is the basis.
Living in the present moment with a mind aware of its peace from thoughts is the result.
A mind in peace can understand better and deeper, because Evaluation increases with the Concentration based on mindfulness.
And when Impermanence is constantly evaluated and clearly found in anything, then changement is understood as the illusion and it is then found in everything.
When the illusion is seen and understood, then stopping any clinging & craving for it becomes natural, as result the usual worldly happiness, that each of us looks for or craves for or clings to, it becomes fake, because clearly understood as the illusion that it is, since only & always based on the unwished changement and, then, void of any real fixed self.
While the peace of mind itself becomes and it is understood as the unshakable real happiness, because not changing until a higher one is achieved through wisdom.
We are all Teachers…
The ones making us better evaluate ‘reality’ are Teachers, even if they do not teach something and just question us, because if their questions or actions lead to our better understanding of what or how to train in, then they become our Teachers.
The real Teacher is our own Evaluation, at the beginning and in the middle and at the end, but in order to increase it we need external Teachers explaining or letting us understand how to do it.
With Mudita, wishing to everyone to be aware and to increase Mindfulness & own Evaluation, leading both to the Truth and to Wisdom. 🙏❤️🙏
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