What Meditation means


What Meditation means

Theta Pati


There are 3 purposes for Samadhi-Bhavana or MEDITATION :

to gain direct experience (Panna) of each Element (Dhatu) as one & the same and limitless & timeless through Absorptions on the 4 Brahmavihara, on the 4 Rupa and on the 4 Arupa Jahnas, with the 5th one as ‘Cessation’;

to overcome the 3 Tanha linked to sensations & thoughts, doubts & fears, conceit & consciousness, through their right evaluation according to the Dhamma (Vipassana), taking to the relevant disenchantment & dispassion for them because seen as changing or as conditioned (Dukkha);

another valid reason, that probably not many can fully understand, is visiting Thusita in Samadhi, in order to make it become next destination after death (Bodhisattvas or Sammasambuddha Path).

Any other Element or Plane of existence should be considered irrilevant for the achievemt of the final goal or even a danger, since taking time & effort away from what it is really needed for ending the suffering of Samsara forever. 🙏❤️🙏


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