Comments (2)

  1. DJ Bennison

    Watched the talk this morning. Really appreciate Ajahn Sona bringing up the importance Noble right effort, as it is sometimes a neglected aspect of the path. Breaking it down into the four right efforts that being giving up the unwholesome (5 hindrances), preventing the unwholesome from arising, cultivating and developing the wholesome, and maintaining and sustaining the wholesome.

  2. Brett Miller

    When Ven. Ajahn Sona broke down the components of Samma Vaca he emphasized the duties of Honesty. This was of profound use to the practice here.

    This was so because it was instantly seen (to my embarassment) that often during Wrong Speech, Aversion Hindrance arrives and hides in speaking that which is true yet is of no use, or is not appropriate for this present moment.

    Thank you Ajahn Sona for reminding us (who need it still) of the convenient pull down lists, and ways of keeping our Sila viriya where it can be of use to our practice.


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