Keep practicing
November 27, 2023
2024-09-08 11:05
Keep practicing
Corey Waterreus
The dhamma is simple we just need to keep doing it, over and over!
Views: 59
Corey Waterreus
Most of my Dhamma experience comes from Tibetan Buddhism in my home town. I gained some great friends and enjoyed my time in Vajrayana. The original teachings of the buddha always called to me, so from this I made friends with the local Wat, who are of the Pathumrungsi Watthanarum in Bangkok. Being a small community of Thai monks I am able to have more private teachings from them in exchange for helping teach them english.
Comments (2)
Brett Miller
Jae, your supportive words on Dischord are a benefit, and truly your claims that being around those practicing The Noble Dhamma has been to your calm and cool well being are showing in your communication, Presense and actions. Everything affects everything else, so thank you for making the mental formation of Courage more than once brave lioness!
Keep it up, try not to worry and enjoy the Breath of life, and it will lead to more sips of that cooling Natural Element.
Anicca will ensure that even the fires have to cool and you can place your attention there until it becomes Home.
Your friend,
Brett Miller
From experience/memory here the statement can be made: “Have tried stopping practice, and the result was ‘ouch!'”
Sounds like you have a wonderful opportunity to receive teachings from folks who are living Dhamma Vinaya. You are fortunate to have something of use you can give, and know you are helping. So motivating to hear about your practice and connecting with a community of practitioners.