Experience at Sumedharama in Portugal

Personal Experiences at retreats

Experience at Sumedharama in Portugal

Joe Stanski

I would like to write about my experience staying at Sumedharama in Portugal for 2.5 weeks.

This is a monastery in the Ajahn Chah Thai Forest tradition, usually with about 4-6 lay friends visiting, 8-12 monks, and a lot of people that come for the night meditation. Its a really nice environment to practice in for people that know how to practice already and don’t need a lot of guidance. Ajahn Vajiro and Ajahn Appamado were available for some discussions in the afternoon and I got a lot of benefit talking to them, as well as talking to some of the other monks and lay practitioners during my stay.

It really gave me a lot of time to reflect with space from my life at home. Also in terms of personal practice, I noticed a willingness to let go of the physical sensation of the breath and fall more calmin and looking into the other aspects of the 16 steps of anapanasati; the vedana, citta, and dhamma. Opening more to the mind in this way, and really noticing where the thoughts were arising from really brought a lot of clarity and confidence to my practice.

I would highly recommend a stay here to people; you can stay for one week on an initial visit, longer on subsequent visits.



Comments (3)

  1. Alexander Hipple

    Thank you so much for sharing your practice with us!

  2. Brett Miller

    Sounds like a lovely experience that was energizing to the practice.

  3. Anna Sissoko

    sounds nice! thanks for sharing!

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