Ajahn Jayasaro

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Jayasāro was born on the Isle of Wight in England. At the age of seventeen having been in contact with Buddhism through reading he left for India where he spent "a couple of years" travelling and learning before hitchhiking back to England. At the time he was still looking for a way of life in line with his personal principles. In Asia he heard about an Englishman who had been a monk in the Thai Forest Tradition and was leading meditation retreats. Upon hearing his stories of life as a forest monk he realised it was the way of life he was looking for.
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Ajahn Jayasaro
Jayasāro was born on the Isle of Wight in England. At the age of seventeen having been in contact with Buddhism through reading he left for India where he spent "a couple of years" travelling and learning before hitchhiking back to England. At the time he was still looking for a way of life in line with his personal principles. In Asia he heard about an Englishman who had been a monk in the Thai Forest Tradition and was leading meditation retreats. Upon hearing his stories of life as a forest monk he realised it was the way of life he was looking for.
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