New Zealand Bhikkhunī Sangha Trust

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Co-founder: Ven. Adhimutti Bhikkhuni Beginning. The NZ Bhikkhuni Trust was established in 2012 by a group of lay people inspired by Venerable Ayya Medhanandi Bhikkhuni's six year visit to Aotearoa, where the need for a supportive environment for bhikkhuni was very evident. With Ayyā Tathālokā Therī's first visit in 2012 further discussions began.
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New Zealand Bhikkhunī Sangha Trust
New Zealand
Wat, Theravada
Bhikkhuni, Theravada
Co-founder: Ven. Adhimutti Bhikkhuni Beginning. The NZ Bhikkhuni Trust was established in 2012 by a group of lay people inspired by Venerable Ayya Medhanandi Bhikkhuni's six year visit to Aotearoa, where the need for a supportive environment for bhikkhuni was very evident. With Ayyā Tathālokā Therī's first visit in 2012 further discussions began.
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