Badekar MonasteryWudang Temple

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Badekar Monastery alternatively known as Wudang Temple (五當召) is a Tibetan Buddhist View of Badekar Monastery known as Wudang zhao Temple the largest and best-preserved Tibetan Buddhist Lamasery of the Gelug sect built in 1749 in the no Han-style architecture located about 70 kilometres northeast of Baotou in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. China
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monastery of the Gelug sect. It is the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Inner Mongolia. 青五线五当沟
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Badekar MonasteryWudang Temple
Inner Mongolia
Xiguit District
Badekar Monastery alternatively known as Wudang Temple (五當召) is a Tibetan Buddhist View of Badekar Monastery known as Wudang zhao Temple the largest and best-preserved Tibetan Buddhist Lamasery of the Gelug sect built in 1749 in the no Han-style architecture located about 70 kilometres northeast of Baotou in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. China
Captions are provided by our contributors.

monastery of the Gelug sect. It is the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Inner Mongolia. 青五线五当沟

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