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Evan Leed first learned to meditate at Zen Mountain Monastery nearly twenty years ago and has maintained an intensive daily practice for the last twelve years. His main practices include metta jhana Mahasi-style noting and awareness and emptiness practices./He also has a deep interest in psychology and both Buddhist and continental philosophy having studied these topics for thousands of hours in both formal and informal settings./Since 2018 he has been studying attachment theory and meditation with George Haas of Mettagroup./He is based in Buenos Aires and teaches in English and Spanish. I am an artist and meditation teacher originally from New York, currently living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was authorized to teach on meditation and attachment several years ago by George Haas, with whom I maintain an active mentoring relationship. I also had the fortune to study under the late Dr. Daniel P. Brown for nearly two years in the Ideal Parent Figure Masterclass. I have maintained a daily meditation practice for fifteen years and sat dozens of retreats, dividing my practice equally between Theravadin and Vajrayana traditions. After thousands of hours of developing the Jhanas and working in Mahasi Sayadaw’s Progress of Insight model, I now mainly practice in various Buddhist and Bön Dzogchen lineages.
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