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Hey there I am a 27 year old Irish guy living in Thailand since about june of 2023 I am enjoying my life as a monk right now and wish to practice sincerely the teachings of the Buddha and share the journey with fellow friends. Dog is god spelled backwards because dogs are a reminder that play and joy is the heart of the spiritual life for me
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Dhammarato sa
Administrator only user Dhammarato is a dhamma teacher in the lineage of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa. Now retired into the Lay life He spent many years as a monk in both Thailand and USA. He lives in Thailand on Kho Phangan and invites all dhamma friends to come hang out. He talks about the supramundane dhamma as instructed by Achan Pho the abbot of Wat Suan Mokkh..
Alexander Hipple
Open Sangha Foundation (OSF) is pleased to have Alex as a volunteer and our fifth example of one whom we financially support. Please be generous to OSF so we can continue supporting our friends in the Dhamma.
Edilio Pinna
Ho iniziato ad interessarmi alla meditazione solo da poco tempo circa 2 anni dopo aver avuto una esperienza di vivere in presenza tanti anni fa che mi ha condizionato tutta la vita Adesso cerco di capire e sono curioso di conoscere e praticare. Mi affascina la filosofia e la linea seguita da Dhammarato e vorrei far parte di questo sangha per poter condividere con tutti voi le nostre esperienze. Grazie
Tuomas Alanen
Hey this is Tuomas and what a relief it is to practice satisfaction!

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