Magical Powers


Magical Powers

Thomas Hammon


<h6>The story starts with the statement that one is disappointed that Bhikkhu Buddhadasa did not teach magical powers. Next the question was asked: "Are you disappointed that the Buddha did not also as teach magical powers. While many who see the teachings of the Buddha as a religion that includes magical art and beliefs, there is clear evidence in the Vinia and the suttas that The Buddha was quite against such things.
1.  DN 1 Bramajlaa sutta spends many pages teachings that good monks do not engage in fortune telling gambling or displays of power. 
2.  Patimokkh explesuitity forbids such behaviors and claims of power. 
3.  The Buddha explicitly warns monks "do not get reborn" MN20
4.  Freedom is defined as freedom from the delusions and greed for powers

Evidence of Magical Powers
1. Catholic Church has long history of celibacy and a longer history of failure to locate miracles.
2. Stage magic and Charlatan's all know that the power is in the delusional state of mind of the audience.
3. James Randi bet
4. Those who search for magic and find dhamma, and like dhamma better

Disappointments of failures and hope for future powers
1. wanting things we dont have
2. Bodhisata ideal is a big disappointment leading to 
3. tantra and @ 1 with All and controlling it all to make all be happy
4. Gaining power and using it selfishly
5. get caught cheating and lying about the power

The real powers of a Buddha
1. MN12 the Lions Roar  Sunakkhatta
2. Power of this present moment.
3. Power of observation
4. Power of contentment and satisfaction. 
5. friendly attitude   the power to win the peace is more power full than winning at war.

MN12 the Lions Roar has 10 powers or knowledges
1. what is possible and not possible
2. Kamma operates on cause/effects
3. world is divorce, understands where all paths of practice lead. 
4. diverse attitudes and view of the many, the world with its many and diverse elements.
5. faculties and abilities of others understands the diverse attitudes of folks sentient beings.
6. understands the diverse attitudes of folks sentient beings.
7. corruption, cleansing, and emergence leading to liberation (jhānavimokkhasamādhi)
8. good memory, recollects the past.
9. He understands how sentient beings are reborn according to their deeds. Since he truly understands this, this is a power of the Realized One. beings passing away and being reborn means we can see how folks moods change.  
10. undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and lives having realized it with his own insight due to the ending of defilements.

Since he truly understands this, this is a power of the Realized One. Relying on this he claims the bull’s place, roars his lion’s roar in the assemblies, and turns the holy wheel.

Four kinds of self-assurance. I see no reason for anyone to legitimately scold me, saying: 
‘You claim to be fully awakened, but you don’t understand these things.’ 
‘You claim to have ended all defilements, but these defilements have not ended.’ 
‘The acts that you say are obstructions are not really obstructions.’ 
‘The teaching doesn’t lead those who practice it to the complete ending of suffering, the goal for which you taught it.’

Since I see no such reason, I live secure, fearless, and assured.

A Realized One has these four kinds of self-assurance. With these he claims the bull’s place, roars his lion’s roar in the assemblies, and turns the holy wheel.

When I know and see in this way, suppose someone were to say this:
‘The ascetic Gotama has no superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones …’  Unless they give up that speech and that thought, and let go of that view, they will be cast down to hell.


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