Visuddhi Bhikkhuni

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Bhikkhunī Visuddhi therī

Bhikkhunī Visuddhi is a fully ordained Buddhist nun (bhikkhunī) in the theravāda tradition She is also a Dhamma and meditation teacher from the Czech Republic. Her first teacher, Venerable Rewatadhamma Sayado, a prominent Theravāda Buddhist monk and noted Abhidhamma scholar from Myanmar, inspired her to walk the path of Buddha’s teaching. In 2003, after practicing Dhamma for many years as a lay practitioner in the Buddhist monastery Dhammapala in Switzerland, venerable Bhikkhunī Visuddhi went to Sri Lanka and received ordination as a sāmaṇerī (novice). She lived a simple life of seclusion in Srī Gothami ārāma in Olabudowa, a small village. Together with other nuns and with her teacher bhikkhunī Matale Vijitha, during the years she spent there, she focused on teaching Dhamma, doing social work and helping families in need. Bhikkhunī Visuddhi gave special attention to poverty stricken children: She taught Sunday Dhamma school in Olabudowa and Sambodhi Vihāra in Colombo and founded Suriya Lamai project “Children of the Sun.” Its aim is to enable children from Underprivileged families to be educated and to be provided with basic needs.
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