David James Bennison

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I started practicing breath meditation 2019 going of a few YouTube videos. In 2020 my interest in Buddhism began to really develop as I was looking around several spiritual systems and continually coming back to the four noble truths and the noble 8 fold path. I was introduced to mastering the core teachings of Buddha through Frank Yang. With that got interested in the noting practice. Following a lot of Yuttadhammo bhikkhu videos and also reading Mahasi. My main practices for 2021 were noting, and Metta. I noticed quite a bit of benefit. In 2021 I became aware of Dhammarato after watching a few videos decided to try to practice anapanasati in this style and found freedom and success. I was satisfied, and didn't really see the need to call at the but start of 2022 and hearing all the talk of Sangha I decided to get involved. Joining the skype groups and discord has been of great benefit. Currently, I'm hosting a Saturday Sangha group voice chat on the discord. Glad a part of an open and wholesome community. This really works.
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