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Wat Pah Pa Deng

Waxhaw Luke Wat Pah Pa Deng Tradition; Forest tradition as taught by Ajahn Mun Abbot; Long Por Dae Description; Wat Pah Pa Deng is a secluded monastery on a mountain slope just north of Chiang Mai. Being on the …


two Quotes

Waxhaw Luke “The gradual path is a process of discovery and learning. In the West we have learning theory, a model well known within psychotherapeutic circles. According to learning theory, the more we repeat a behavior or establish associations with …


On your topic of “looking”

Waxhaw Luke On your topic of “looking” I find Bhante Punnaji’s translations to be useful. He translates sati/Satipatthana as “introspection” (looking within), which is step 1 on the “seven steps to awakening” (his words) and then he translates Upekka as …


SOCRATES: Perhaps you seem to make yourself but rarely available,

Waxhaw Luke SOCRATES: Perhaps you seem to make yourself but rarely available, and not be willing to teach your own wisdom, but I’m afraid that my liking for people makes them think that I pour out to anybody anything I …

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