Hey this is Tuomas and what a relief it is to practice satisfaction!
This user account status is Approved
Deirdre van der Wolk
Private life: married to Peter for more than 30 years three adult children; Tim Rick and Thierry all living the life. Lots of friends. Hobby's reading music biking traveling cooking cultural activities Work: educated as a singer/singingteacher. Worked in that area for many years. Started a little theatre 6 years ago with Peter and now working fulltime to keep it going with a lovely group of people. www.hettheater.nl
David James Bennison
I started practicing breath meditation 2019 going of a few YouTube videos. In 2020 my interest in Buddhism began to really develop as I was looking around several spiritual systems and continually coming back to the four noble truths and the noble 8 fold path. I was introduced to mastering the core teachings of Buddha through Frank Yang. With that got interested in the noting practice. Following a lot of Yuttadhammo bhikkhu videos and also reading Mahasi. My main practices for 2021 were noting, and Metta. I noticed quite a bit of benefit. In 2021 I became aware of Dhammarato after watching a few videos decided to try to practice anapanasati in this style and found freedom and success. I was satisfied, and didn't really see the need to call at the but start of 2022 and hearing all the talk of Sangha I decided to get involved. Joining the skype groups and discord has been of great benefit. Currently, I'm hosting a Saturday Sangha group voice chat on the discord. Glad a part of an open and wholesome community. This really works.
Alexandre Choux
Currently traveling with a bicycle from France to Nepal. I’m a musician who likes traditional music like Balkan/Turkish folk music.
Bhikku Kittipuñño (Daniel van den Brink)
Ordained 9th of may 2024 at Wat Don Pradittharam in Roi Et province Thailand under Ajahn Santi. Currently I’m staying at Wat Tam Doi Toan in Chiang Mai province.
Mountain Dhamma
There’s nothing to it.
Callum Greet
Callum is a student of Dhammarato
Brett Miller
Lay practitioner of the Dhamma.
Anna Sissoko
I find truth in different traditions and different teachers. All help me in the practice of Dhamma at different levels. My approach is particularly focused on healing trauma by developping right understanding of the real origin of suffering (ie our own mind)
David Matte
David Matte is a dharma fanatic from Ontario Canada. He was a typical happy Gen Y "90's kid" growing up. But experiencing periods of depression in his early 20's he sought to essentially answer: What the hell is going on here?
Cathal Costello
Hey there I am a 27 year old Irish guy living in Thailand since about june of 2023 I am enjoying my life as a monk right now and wish to practice sincerely the teachings of the Buddha and share the journey with fellow friends. Dog is god spelled backwards because dogs are a reminder that play and joy is the heart of the spiritual life for me
Mikey (Michael C.)
In my college years I was introduced to meditation by teachers in New Mexico and Mexico. I served on a board of trustees for a Spiritual organization in Santa Fe as well as providing videography and broadcasting services. A friend of mine recommended Theravada Buddhism and also introduced me to Dhammarato.
Dhammarato sa
Administrator only user Dhammarato is a dhamma teacher in the lineage of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa. Now retired into the Lay life He spent many years as a monk in both Thailand and USA. He lives in Thailand on Kho Phangan and invites all dhamma friends to come hang out. He talks about the supramundane dhamma as instructed by Achan Pho the abbot of Wat Suan Mokkh..
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