
Dhamma Lesson


Dhamma Dasa

Dana, this means generosity,  Giving freely & wisely to all beings,  in this modern age many teachers & groups have been consumed by greed & power,  this is ok, if they want this type of lifestyle let them enjoy it & all that comes with it, but for the individuals realizing some balance and wisdom,  it’s good to donate,  food, money to organizations that are truly deserving of such blessings because of one fact, they are earnestly attempting to help end suffering not only for themselves but also for the world, Charity is a giant pillar of Buddhism often forgotten,  generosity seems to be most apparent in peoples lives when they have an audience seeing just how generous they are lol, it’s better to give and not make a big show of it, it’s better to realize full enlightenment and be humble not arrogant or judgmental of others beliefs or attempts at freedom,  if we are truly noble ones we are the cream that rises,  but if we remain ignorant,  greedy, judging,  thinking we are somehow special,  more important,  surely we will fall like Lucifer to the icy colds of Hell, so in closing dear friends,  don’t be a door Matt,  God gave us a brain for a reason,  use it wisely,  give freely,  be compassionate,  have a kind heart,  be generous,  help support Sanghas,  churches. Temples,  people,  animals,  Generosity,  Humility,  open mindedness,  & Loving kindness are sure fire ways to Sukka here & now, it’s like this moment here


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