suttas Your Page Title Login Sutta Collection Click on Sutta to view AN 4.11.txtAN 4.111 PTS A ii 111 Kesi Sutta To Kesi the Horsetrainer.txtAN 5.148. A Person of Integrity’s Gifts.txtAN 5.148. A Person of Integrity’s Gifts~.txtAN 5.148.pngAN 5.159 PTS A iii 184.txtAN 5.35.pngAN.5-35 Dananisaṁsasutta The Benefits of Giving.txtAN5-35DananisaṁsasuttaTheBenefitsofGiving.txtAbout Udāyin (On Teaching the Dhamma) Udāyin Sutta (AN 5-159).txtAditta Sutta (The House) On Fire.txtBHADDEKARATTA GATHA.txtMindfulness of breathing.txtSO THIS IS WHAT YOU THINK OF ME.txtSutta MN9 snip NOW WHAT IS UNSKILLFUL.txtThe HOUSE BUILDER.txtThis world is blind! There are so few.txtVasala suttaWhen a monk is intent on the heightened mind.txtextrasutta BHADDEKARATTA GATHA.txtsutta MINDFULNESS OF BREATHING.txtsutta THE HOUSE BUILDER.txtsutta WHEN A MONK IS INTENT ON THE HEIGHTENED MIND.txtum-followers.zipTo upload your own Sutta fileOnly Pdf and text files please Views: 271